2 weeks until launch!
by Peter Mosinskis, Director of IT Strategy in content, freeze, go-live, phase 1, preview 0
The prep work for our August 15 web site launch is reaching a fever pitch right now.
The web site content freeze is underway. Since July 15, Web Services team members have been migrating
web site content and making adjustments to the design and organization of
content in preparation for the launch. In addition, Web Services has applied
the new mobile-friendly web site template to all existing pages in the
designated migration phases. View the list of migration phases here. The Web Refresh
team is targeting sites in Phases 1A-1D for launch on August 15.
The final working preview of the CI web site is located at:
We recommend that you also try it out on your smartphone or a
tablet to get a better sense of how the new web site will work across
different devices.
Between now and August 5, we have requested that campus units/departments/programs subject matter experts visit http://beta.harbor.csuci.edu and review any web pages/sites closely
associated with their unit/program to verify that content and interactive
elements have migrated as expected. A list of sites and migration phases can be found here for reference.
If you find problems or would like to suggest corrections or
changes, please report discovered issues via the “Give us your feedback”
link at the top of each page in the preview. During this period, the Web
Refresh team shall repair all discovered issues and re-publish them for further
review/preview, to the best of its ability.
Please report any significant issues by August 5. Issues
reported after August 5 may not be addressed before launch on August 15, but
will be addressed after the launch.
We also invite you to celebrate this important milestone
with us at the Web Site Launch reception, starting at 11am on Monday, August
18, 2014. Food and beverages will be served. If you can attend, please RSVP for the Web Site Launch reception.
Feel free to contact Peter Mosinskis at peter.mosinskis@csuci.edu with any questions, and thanks for
your ongoing support of this important project.