Phase 1: Discovery

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Before you start to change things on a web site, you need to know:

  1. what to change; and
  2. why you are changing it.
Unless these issues are both defined, web site changes are doomed to flounder. Hence, the first phase of the Refresh project involves discovering our needs and out goals.

During the 2005 redesign process, the Web Steering Committee addressed discovery via a web based survey, and one-on-one and group fact-finding meetings. This data serves as an initial benchmark which gauged the perceptions of the CSUCI web presence.

The 2009 web refresh will use a similar process and include a web survey and individual + group meetings. In addition, previous benchmarks will be reviewed to determine if they are still meaningful and useful, and new benchmarks will be created.

One new benchmark will include individual feedback from President's Cabinet. Stakeholder meetings with each member of the Cabinet are underway to obtain their feedback on specific concerns, and should be completed by the end of this week.

Another benchmark is the "Rate This Page" feature, which since Fall 2005 has enabled web site visitors to provide individual feedback on specific web pages.

As with all parts of the refresh process, we want to make the discovery phase as open and collaborative as possible. Feel free to share your comments with us on this blog or via email at We'd love to hear from you!

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