Archive for March 2009

Survey metrics

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Now that we have lots of survey data, what kinds of metrics would be useful for people to look at?

Here are some ideas:

  1. First, segment data as follows: prospective students, parents, current students, donors, employees, general public, and as time permits, remaining categories.
  2. Create reports for each segment, including long-answer
  3. Compare 2004 questions to 2009 questions (at least, those that are the same) using segments if possible.
  4. Compare segments: prospective students vs. current students; prospective students vs. parents
Let us know if you have any ideas for ways to provide some meaningful data analysis for the refresh process.

Survey closes and analysis begins

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Thanks for everyone who participated in making the 2009 Web Site Use Survey a success. The response was overwhelming: we have over 1,100 respondents, so we have a lot of feedback to sort through. I think our response rate can be attributed to several factors:

  • People value the CSUCI web site as an information resource. From prospective students to employees to the general public, so many people already use and rely on the CSUCI web site as the primary source of information about the University. averages over 8200 visits per day, and over 2100 (more than 25%) are new visitors to the site. These numbers will continue to grow.

  • Our community is happy for the opportunity to voice its opinion. They are active and want to participate in shaping the future of CSUCI. We must continue to consider and evaluate all opinions and comments about the CSUCI web site, and take action to demonstrate that the University values this feedback and will address the community's needs.

  • A coordinated, detailed communication plan. The Core Task Force created and implemented a plan to ensure maximum response and publicity. The plan covered techniques and timelines for getting the word out through email, print and web.
Most of March will be spent reviewing the survey responses and preparing reports for various campus constituencies based on results. The reports will include comparative analysis with the 2004 Web Site Use Survey.

Stay tuned for further updates.