Archive for January 2009

Web Site Use Survey goes live

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We're happy to report that the Web Site Use Survey is now live.

The survey will be available until March 1, 2009.

Take the survey now!

The feedback of the CSUCI community is critical to the success of our project, so thanks in advance for your participation!

Costs of refreshing the web site

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Happy New Year! Looks like it's going to be a challenging but exciting year.

While CSUCI has been affected by the current economic crisis, this doesn't mean that the University can't take positive steps to improve its web presence at little to no direct financial cost. We've done it before, we can do it again: in 2005, the CSUCI web site was redesigned from top-to-bottom with no funds committed to the project, with overwhelming success.

Of course, the biggest difference between then and now is that CSUCI's web site is much larger. For example, had about 1,500 HTML pages at the time of the 2005 redesign. Today, has over 5,000. All this means is that we will have to spend more time prioritizing what issues need to be addressed.

Enter the Web Site Use Survey: an easy (and free) tool to help us examine our strengths and weaknesses and to prioritize our goals. We've been jumping through all the right hoops to prepare for the survey (revising, getting approvals, etc), and we're almost ready to send it out. It will be made available to the CSUCI community in the next few weeks.

Check back soon for more updates on the Survey. A link will be posted here when it's published.

In the meanwhile, consider this question: what steps can you take to improve your web presence that cost only time (not money)? We'll discuss some ideas in a future post.