Archive for August 2012

What is information architecture?

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As I mentioned in the previous post, building a web site is a lot like building a home.

The process first starts with identifying requirements. Requirements define what the end result will have (or won't have), and determine how much time and resources you can spend.

From there, a blueprint which incorporates the requirements is developed; it shows how the requirements come together, relate to one another, and provide a first look at how users will navigate the end result.

The CI Web Refresh Core Team and Stamats have wrapped up the requirements for the new CI site (as outlined in the executive summary shared in a previous post), and are now working on a new "blueprint". This process is formally known as information architecture (IA), and includes the following activities:

  • defining what kinds of spaces are necessary on the updated site, based on the requirements outlined in our strategy; 
  • determining the naming/labeling of the spaces;
  • organizing the spaces and showing how they relate to one another; 
  • visualizing how people will move through the spaces; and 
  • confirming that the spaces and their labels make sense to their users.
Over the next several months, the Core Team and Stamats will be working closely with campus stakeholders to verify that the information architecture addresses these issues. The phase is expected to finish in October. 

Stakeholder meeting update

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This week, key stakeholders from Admissions & Recruitment, Alumni, Academic Affairs, University faculty, Extended University, and Student Affairs are meeting individually via conference call with our strategic partner Stamats as well as members of the Web Refresh Core team to review findings and recommendations for their respective areas.

During these meetings, we are reviewing institutional goals, project objectives, core assumptions and guiding principles for the project. In addition, we are outlining key priorities, time frames and next steps related to each group.

One important theme re-iterated throughout these meetings is that while we strive to improve communication to all visitors to the CI web site, the focus for this project is to improve communication to prospective students first and foremost. This is necessary to ensure that the limited resources available for this project are focused on addressing our institutional goals, as listed in the strategic brief executive summary, available in PDF format.

Speaking of focus, redesigning a web site is a lot like building a house: most of the time, you can't design or build a house on an unlimited budget with unlimited resources. You've got to work within your means and you've got to have a good plan. Fortunately, all of the research and strategy work we've done so far have given us a good plan.  In our next installment, we'll share how our team is starting to build the blueprint for the new CI web site.

Strategy update; summary of findings

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The blog has been quiet, but only because we've been doing a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes in preparation for the next phase of our project, which will continue into fall 2012.

Our partners at Stamats came to campus on May 2 and 3 to meet with students, faculty, and other key campus stakeholders. During their visit, the Stamats team met with 46 students, faculty and staff to discuss their perceptions of the University and their needs and concerns about the CI web site.

Since their visit, the Core Team has been working closely with Stamats to review their findings and to refine the strategies and vision that will shape both this refresh project as well as the University's strategy for web communication for the next several years. The findings and recommendations have been documented in detail in a 73-page strategic brief.

We are very pleased to share a 5-page summary of the findings, in PDF format (219KB) (to view, download Adobe Acrobat Reader). The findings and corresponding recommendations affect so many areas of the University, so it's important that this new vision is shared, discussed and embraced by the University community.

We'd love to answer any questions you have regarding the vision, findings, and recommendations as described in the summary. Please post your questions or comments here, or email them to Peter Mosinskis at

The Core Team is continuing to work with Stamats on scheduling for the next phase of the refresh process, during which Stamats, the Core Team and select stakeholders will work to review and develop an updated information architecture for the University web site. More about information architecture in our next post.